About Us


To be the leading organization in advocating Media and Information Literacy (MIL) in the Philippines


To promote Media and Information Literacy (MIL) as a lifelong learning skill in a knowledge-based economy and media-saturated Filipino society


  1. To develop the Media and Information Literacy (MIL) skills of educators, trainers, advocates, and practitioners through conferences, workshops, seminars, and learning events; 
  2. To assist schools and other educational institutions in developing strategies in integrating MIL in the curricula; 
  3. To conduct studies on MIL geared towards promoting it as a content and a process in teaching-learning situations; 
  4. To participate actively in advocating MIL in the program and/or policy agenda of academic, government, non-government, and private organizations; and 
  5. To produce MIL learning materials and resources for MIL educators and trainers.


The Philippine Association for Media and Information Literacy (PAMIL) is the official Philippine Chapter of UNESCO MIL Alliance. This was discussed and accepted by the International Steering Committee during a meeting held on May 31, 2022.

Get to Know the Team

Meet the directors and officers that make up the organization.

Richelle Sy-Kho
Rosie Jane S. Mosquera
Vice President – Internal
Ma. Cecilia R. Villegas
Vice President – External
Marian Ramos-Eclevia
Carlo T. Concepcion
Lory Rose B. Supsupin
Assistant Treasurer
Ana Mae B. Cantel
Blaise Henry B. Ilan
Director for Research
Noberto M. Nataño
Director for Publications
Kenneth Bernejay Porio
Director for Digital Platforms
Alvin Canales
Director for Digital Platforms
Louise May M. Lim
Director for Memberships
Jose Reuben Q. Alagaran II
President Emeritus
Pie Mabanta-Fenomeno
Arniel V. Ping

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